10 Actors (Or Musicians?) Whose Music Careers Didn't Take Off

10 Actors (Or Musicians?) Whose Music Careers Didn't Take Off

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10 Actors (Or Musicians?) Whose Music Careers Didn't Take Off Image
Everyone dreams of being a rock star, don't they?  Most of us have had a go at playing air guitar, or singing into our hairbrushes, even if we wouldn't inflict our dubious musical talents on other people. There’s just something irresistibly glamorous about the idea of being a famous musician. So much so, apparently, that even celebrities aren't

Exposing 'Exposure'

Exposing 'Exposure'

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Exposing 'Exposure' Image
Exposure (1987) Details Album artist: Exposé (Ann Curless, Jeanette Jurado, Gioia Bruno) Label: Arista Release date: February 2, 1987 Genre: Freestyle, Dance, Pop Tracks: 10 Length: 44:36 It's clear that this is my first review on music album. Started with one of the hottest female groups of the 80's, Exposé's debut album, Exposure. With a great debut success, this album's